Accrediting Bodies
Jesselton College Sdn Bhd is an accredited centre (L02612) under Department of Skills Development (JPK):

The Department of Skills Development (JPK) was established under Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia. An Accredited Centre means a skills training institution or place or work recognised by the Department of Skills Development. It offers candidates the Malaysian Skills Certificate for participating and training in areas of specific levels of expertise based on NOSS.
Accrediting Partners
Jesselton College continuously explores affiliation opportunities with world-class institutions on a global scale. We offer our students the possibility to participate in exchange programs, credit transfer and obtain further qualifications from educational institutions all around the world.
Rhodes Business School, Australia

Rhodes Business School (RBS) is an education provider with over 10 years’ experience in delivering diploma, advanced diploma and postgraduate certificate education. RBS is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) accredited by Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). Students at Jesselton College can enroll RBS online program with local tutorial support to receive Australian vocational qualifications.